
Collegiate wrestlers, coaches, and fans comprise a relatively small proportion of athletes, coaches, and fans in all the nation’s sports, yet they are notable for their commitment and the intensity of their loyalty and devotion to the sport. Wrestling has played a big part in the lives of these wrestlers and their coaches.

Thus the Penn State Wrestling Club Centennial Committee, in preparing our book, A Century of Penn State Wrestling, asked as many of those involved with Penn State wrestling as it could contact to tell us what this involvement has meant to them. We included former Lion wrestlers, coaches, managers, and also opposing coaches.

The response was gratifying. Although limitations of space made it impossible to include all the responses in their entirety in the book, we have been able to do that here. They are presented in chronological order.

2019 Updates

The Penn State Wrestling Club has completed a ten-year supplement, “Dawn of a New Era”, to the book “A Century of Penn State Wrestling”. This first decade of the second century of Penn State wrestling focused on the highlights and triumphs of those ten years. We have received reflections from our former wrestlers on what being a part of Penn State Wrestling meant to them. Reflections from Bryan Pearsall and Brad Pataky (below) are included in these memories of wrestling from 2009-2018.


Coaches / Managers / Faculty

Further Reflections of the Past