I served as a manager of the Penn State Wrestling Team from 1980 until I graduated in 1982. I wrestled in high school and at the Penn State Abington Campus (now college) during my freshman and sophomore years. When I got to University Park I met with Coach Rich Lorenzo and his Assistant Coach John Fritz. They were honest and explained how deep they were at the 158-pound weight class and that, since I badly wanted to be part of the program, I should become one of their managers as they needed a male student to serve in that capacity.
I expected to be cleaning up dirty towels and cleaning mats, but I never was asked to serve in that capacity. I found that I was an integral part of the program. The wrestlers always treated me like a teammate, and the coaches always treated me as if I were part of the program.
The wrestlers always cheered me on when I wrestled in the IM tournament each year. In addition, in 1982 when I participated in the Dance Marathon, Rich Lorenzo sponsored my partner and me, and we danced for the Penn State Wrestling Team with “Penn State Wrestling” written prominently across my official shirt. The wrestlers used to show up late at night during the Marathon (this was after the season ended!) to encourage my partner and me to finish (we did).
I greatly admired and respected the men on the wrestling team. They dedicated much time and effort to being the best athletes possible. Their hard work was an inspiration to anyone who knew them and saw how hard they worked.
Representative Thomas P. Murt
B.S. Economics, 1982 (College of Business Administration)
State Representative, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 152nd Legislative District