PSWC Summer Event – Pirates vs. Phillies




The PSWC leadership in coordination with the Pittsburgh Pirates has planned a summer event for our membership. On Sunday June 8th the Pirates are playing the Philadelphia Phillies at 1:35 PM. We have a block of Club seats along the first base line in which the sun is to your back. The seats have easy access to the Club area with air conditioning and availability of food and beverages for sale.

You can sign up now to purchase your Club seats ($66 each) on the PSWC website. We will distribute your tickets electronically. Once you purchase tickets they are yours and we will not be able to buy them back. If your plans changed after purchasing your Club seats, you could try to resell your Club seats, or the Pirates would allow you to exchange your seats for a game of your choice. The PSWC needs to provide a total number of club tickets by Friday, February 14th. If you plan to go, make sure that you purchase your club ticket on the PSWC website by that time.

For those wanting to travel on the PSWC bus from State College they can do so by also signing up for the bus trip ($50 each) when you purchase your Club seats. Tentatively the bus would depart from the Fullington office 2101 Alexander Drive State College PA at 7:45 AM and include a rest stop en route. You would have several options for lunch on your own near PNC Park. After the game we will travel directly back to State College arriving about 7:15 pm.

This should be a fun, social event. Naturally we are accepting of both Phillies and Pirate fans as well as anyone who just enjoys a good baseball game. It will be fun!

If you have any questions, please contact Joe Niebel, Website Committee at