Contact Information: Helen Knerr (

Trips Committee Chair (1): Develop contracts for buses, hotels, and social events; Promote bus trips and socials with bus hosts by emails, website, and newsletter; Hold Trips Committee meetings before season starts and as needed; Answer emails and other requests in a prompt and positive manner. Trips Committee Chair is an active member of each sub committee.
Bus Trip Hosts Subcommittee (Chair + 8 hosts): With others on the Trips Committee bus hosts determine which away dual meet/tournament competitions to plan for. Hosts develop itinerary including times, meals, and additional stops. Bus plans are sent to riders, hotels, restaurants, etc. Seasonal activity during dual meet season and through NCAA Tournament in mid-March.
Social Subcommittee (Chair + 4): Work with contracted venues for Reception and Gathering at NCAAs. Develop a menu and program. Advertise events through website, newsletter, and emails to PSWC membership. Coordinate bus shuttle if being used. Periodic activity throughout the year to keep track of bids and contracts for NCAA and B1G tournaments; ideal if these volunteers are traveling to B1Gs and NCAAs and available to help during the social functions.
Administrative Subcommittee (1): Maintain listings of signups for all trips, socials, shuttles, etc. Answer daily email correspondence or forward to appropriate person. Keep committee chair, bus hosts, and social committee updated. In coordination with bus hosts, email itinerary to riders. Create and email mobile tickets for NCAA socials. Need 1 volunteer to work with and compliment the Trips Committee Chair. Mostly seasonal between early November and mid-March. Requires several hours each week during this time frame; a bit more time required from mid-February through conclusion of NCAA tournament.