Contact Information: Jennifer Tate (

Chair (1): Oversees the photography enterprise for the PSWC at dual meets, tournaments and PSWC events such as pre-match socials, NCAA and B1G Championships socials and the Awards Luncheon. This includes identifying photographers, obtaining press credentials when needed, taking photographs, selecting photographs for PSWC publications and websites, etc.
Photographers (2): Take photographs at PSU wrestling events and at PSWC social events and submits them to the Photography Committee Chair in a timely fashion. Photograph Administrators (2 or 3): Sorts, edits as needed and selects photographs taken by PSWC photographers for PSWC publications and for posting on the PSWC website. Adds appropriate identifying captions to all photographs retained in the photo files.
Photograph Archivist (1): Develops a system for simple filing and retrieval of all PSWC photographs. Assists others to locate and retrieve desired PSU wrestling and PSWC photographs.