Contact Information: Harvey Manbeck (

Feature Writers (3 to 5): Write one feature article for each of four issues of the PSWC Newsletter each year. Feature articles are approximately 1 to 2 pages long. One feature writer prepares summaries of PSU wrestling’s tournaments and dual meets. The dual meet and tourney summaries fill approximately 3 to 4 pages in three of the four Newsletter issues. Time commitment for feature writers ranges from approximately 8 to 12 hours in each of a September/October, November/December, January/February, and March/April time frame.
Copy Editors (2 to 4): Two copy editors critique and edit between 10 and 12 articles for each of four Newsletter issues each year. Articles range in length from ¼ page to 2 pages in length. Time commitment for copy editors 4 to 6 hours in two of the following timeframes – September/October, November/December, January/February, and March/April.
Layout Specialist (1 or 2): The layout specialist formats the 10 to 12 articles, which are submitted in Word format, into the standard PSWC Newsletter format using the Adobe In-Design software package. The layout specialist, in concert with the Editor or Co-Editor, then plans the sequence of articles and placement of photographs in the Newsletter issue and submits both the formatted articles, photos and sequence of articles plan to the Printer for final layout and publication. The layout specialist works with the Editor and Co-Editor to review and edit the Copy prepared by the printer and to approve the final copy for publication. Requires four fairly intensive time commitments for parts of two weeks in each of late October/early November, late December/early January, mid- to late-February and late March/early April.
Photography Specialist (1): The photography specialist works hand-in-hand with the PSWC photographer. The specialist selects appropriate photos from the PSWC Photographer’s files of dual meet, tournament, PSWC function and special PSU wrestling event photos for each issue. The specialist sizes, crops and writes appropriate captions for each photo. Requires four fairly intensive time commitments for parts of two weeks in each of late October/early November, late December/early January, mid- to late-February and late March/early April.
Committee Chair/Editor & Co-Chair/Co-Editor (2): The committee chair & co-chair oversee the entire Newsletter publication process. They recruit writers and identify the desired articles for 4 Newsletter issues per year. The committee co-chairs do a quick review of all articles submitted before assigning to copy editors. They also work hand-in-hand with the layout specialist, photography specialist and the printer. The co-chairs identify and make all arrangements with the printer. They also establish the schedule for producing each Newsletter issue. There is a continuum of activity for the co-chairs beginning in August and extending into early April each year.