Contact Information:Brian McMahon (

Membership Committee Chair (1): Oversees all matters related to membership renewal and retention. Handles the weekly and monthly updating of membership roster and preparation of monthly membership reports. Also sends out periodic eBlast reminders for renewals. Plans and coordinates two or three work days between mid-May to late-June to process large number of mail-in membership renewals received in that time frame. Requires an hour or two each week throughout the year; then several four- to five-hour days in mid-May to late-June.
Mail-In Renewal Team Members (3 to 4): Inputs the large number of mailed-in renewals into the PSWC database on 2 to 3 occasions between mid-May and late-June. Commitment is for 4 to 5 hours each day. Need to have laptop computer to access the website database.
Media Guide Mailing Manager (1): One volunteer needed in September/October to make arrangements for printing and mailing Media Guides to the membership. Includes getting electronic copy of the Media Guide from PSU, scheduling printing with K&B Printing, getting Excel file of membership mailing addresses to K&B Printing and assuring there are sufficient funds for bulk mailing at SC post office. Requires approximately one hour per week between September 1 and November 10 each year.
Membership Renewal Quadrifold Manager (1): One volunteer needed in mid-February to early-March to revise the Quadrifold Renewal Forms, submit the revisions to King Printing in early-March, arrange for printing in time for distribution at the Awards Luncheon, arrange for mail service with King Printing and give Excel file of PSWC members for past three to four years to King Printing in time for mailing at the end of April. Requires approximately 4 to 6 hours between March 1 and May 1 each year.