Bus riders traveling to Kansas City on the Fullington Bus will have free shuttle service to and from the T Mobile Center each day and to the social.
PSWC members who did not ride to Kansas City on the Fullington Bus will have the options listed below:
Full-Tournament Shuttle Ticket: Shuttle service will cost $50 per person for transportation to the T Mobile Center for the first session of the day and the return trip back to their contracted hotels at the end of the evening session each day. This $50 charge covers all three days of the tournament as well as transportation from the T-Mobile Center to the Marriott Kansas City for the social and back to contracted hotels for those not staying at the Marriott.
Saturday Night Only Shuttle Ticket: The PSWC is offering shuttle service from the arena to the Saturday night post-NCAA tournament social at the Marriott and back to the PSWC hotels as well as hotels within walking distance of the T-Mobile Center, at the conclusion of the social. The cost is $20. If you have already purchased the full-tournament shuttle pass from your PSWC hotel to the arena for all three days of NCAA competition, you do not need this pass.
Shuttle passes will be provided to all members who have purchased this shuttle service.