The one memory that stands out the most for me while wrestling for Penn State, involves a meeting I had with Coach Lorenzo. I was a freshman, and just before the second semester started, I was called in to discuss my first semester grades, which were not stellar. I was nervous and worried about the result of the meeting, but Coach was discussing everything except my semester grades. Then Coach Lorenzo “accidently” knocked a plant off his desk. The dirt spilled out all over the floor. Coach asked me to get the broom from behind the door for him. Since I was in a helpful mood, I started to sweep up the dirt that was on the floor. Just then Coach decided to bring up my grades in the following way: “Get used to how that broom feels in your hands, because, with grades like you got last semester, the only thing you will be qualified to do is push a broom in the gymnasium back at your high school.”
That was all it took to help me realize the importance of my studies!
[Jim is now principal of Baker Elementary School in Altoona.]