My favorite wrestling story involved an incident when we were running on the track late in my career. We would do sprints of the straightaway on the Rec Hall track starting from the referee’s position. We would go in pairs, and I was paired with Chris Bevilacqua. Several times, as we were in the referee’s position facing away from the direction we were running, some non-wrestler using the track would veer around us and then move to the rail. In the process they kept cutting Chris off as he did a stand-up and then began to sprint. After a while, Chris got exasperated and pointedly said, ”The next time somebody cuts me off, I am going to run over them!” Well, sure enough, on the next sprint he is cut off and slams this guy to the track, literally running over him! And it turns out to be Father May, the campus chaplain. I could not have laughed harder, and to this day I chuckle every time I think of the incident.