Courtesy of John Harrison
Dave Becker wrestled at Penn State from 1975-78. He was a three-time EWL Champion and is a member of the EWL Hall of Fame. He was a team captain and an All-American in 1978. He also served as a PSU assistant coach before moving on to the business world where he is now a very successful financial planner.
Dave Becker was a surperb takedown man; he was very tenacious and had good explosiveness and quickness. If it weren’t for Lee Kemp (three-time NCAA Champion from Wisconsin), I believe Dave would have been a two-time NCAA Champion. But they happened to be in the same weight class and Lee defeated Dave two times in the NCAA tournament. Lee was voted as the top wrestler of the decade for the 1970’s. After Dave got his Master’s Degree in Virginia, he came back and was a good assistant coach for me. He still comes in today and helps out in the wrestling room. – former PSU wrestler and head coach, Rich Lorenzo
Dave, what have you been doing since you graduated from Penn State?
I have been working for a financial planning firm, “Wienken & Associates” as a certified financial planner for the last 19 years. My wife Janell is also a Penn State graduate and is originally from my hometown. We adopted two beautiful children, Alexa (seven) and Conor (four), as infants from Romania and Russia, respectively.
What are your best memories from the years you spent as a Penn State wrestler?
My best memories pertain to the discipline it took to go to class, work out twice a day and sometimes have to lose ten or more pounds in a week. The reason I feel that these are good memories is that if I could endure that type of lifestyle for four years, I can endure any of the tough experiences I may face as an adult. I also have “fond” memories of wrestling everyday with Andy Matter and Jerry Villeco–having my forehead continuously bruised by Andy’s pointy hip bone and Jerry’s head.
How has the Penn State wrestling experience impacted your life/career?
My Penn State wrestling career has impacted my life tremendously; it has given me the self confidence I need to try anything in life and to feel I am going to be successful at it. It has also given me the discipline needed to be successful in the business world. The issues and problems one encounters in the business world are generally nothing compared to the obstacles one encounters as a wrestler. Wrestling has made me extremely tough mentally, very focussed and disciplined. It has also kept me in shape.
When did you start wrestling?
I started wrestling in seventh grade and continued from there.
Do you still follow wrestling?
Not only do I still follow wrestling, but I still go into Penn State’s practice room approximately once a week to help out with the team. I still actively wrestle. In addition, my daughter Alexa has decided, with no help from me, to try elementary wrestling, so I go to her practices and watch her twice a week. I also go to the NCAA Championships every year.
Dave, what advice do you have for collegiate wrestlers today?
Be successful, try to live a balanced life and make wrestling a passion, but have fun. If I could do it all over again, I would go to the summer camps and work as a camp counselor. I would try to continually wrestle with the best wrestlers and learn from the best coaches. You learn most of your wrestling in the summer going to tournaments and clinics. I would also seize the moment because your four years will be over before you know it.
Thanks Dave!