Bus Trip / Hotel Cancellation Policy

Purpose: The PSWC must establish a policy that balances customer responsibility with PSWC’s obligation to responsibly manage Club funds. This Cancellation Policy outlines the procedures for shared responsibility between the PSWC and members who reserve hotel rooms at PSWC contracted hotels and/or reserve seats for PSWC contracted bus trips.

Hotel Room Cancellations

  • All no-shows and/or members who have NOT cancelled their hotel room
    reservations in accordance with the hotel’s cancellation date and time are
    responsible for paying the hotel’s mandatory room charges (usually one night’s
    room rate plus taxes and fees). These fees will be charged to the member’s
    personal credit card given at the time the reservation is made.
  • The PSWC Trips Committee volunteers will attempt to reassign any cancelled
    room reservation with other members on our waitlist on a first cancelled, first
    filled basis.

Bus Trip Cancellations

  • All bus trip reservations must be paid in full at the time of registration. If an
    insufficient number of members sign up for a bus trip, the trip will be cancelled, and a
    100% refund will be given. If a bus reservation is cancelled after the bus company’s
    contracted cancellation date, only 50% of the reservation fee will be refunded unless the
    vacated seat can be filled by the Trips Committee with another member.