When we wrestled Lehigh my sophomore year, I beat Jack Bentz, their captain and two-time EIWA champ, 14-5, at Lehigh. When we wrestled Navy that same year I pinned Tom Jones. We won, and the difference in the meet was 3 points.
My freshman year I lived in Mifflin hall (central part of campus), and Norm Palovcsik also lived there. When we were to run the stadium steps, I told Norm that we should run from the dorms and that way we wouldn’t have to run so far. He agreed, and we ran up to Beaver Stadium. I thought we got away with it until Norm asked Rich Lorenzo to hold his dorm key while he ran the steps. Rich asked him why he had the key, and he explained that he and I had run from the dorms. Rich made us run an extra two miles for that IDIOTIC BLUNDER that Norm made.
Clyde Frantz and I had some good matches in the room. As far as the coaches who challenged me to that “big” win, I really didn’t need anybody to motivate me to win. Regarding bus trips and hotel stays, we were traveling on an away trip. We had just gone through Port Matilda and were traveling up the mountain to Philipsburg. It was sleeting and snowing. Bill Koll was driving, and he decided to light his pipe and pass a truck at the same time. So he steered the car with his knees! It was quite an experience.